Thursday 28 February 2008

顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management) 對企業的重要性

隨著資訊科技的演進與產業競爭環境的發展,顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM),最重要的是建立一套完整的客戶資訊系統,其目的在用以管理與老顧客的關係,發展出適合顧客個別需要的產品服務,提高顧客最高的忠誠度,留住率與利潤貢獻度,並同時有效率選擇性的吸引好的新顧客。

CRM 傳統 VS 現代管理

其實現代的CRM 顧客關係管理系統的模組中,最大的功能面就是提供完整的客戶資料蒐集。傳統的企業資訊系統中,多將銷售的管理放在營業模組系統中;事實上這樣的方法也確實為企業在管理上帶來許多便利性。每一個銷售人員對於客戶的資料所知即是銷售人員的寶貴資產,但是這些資料往往存在每一個銷售人員的個人資料庫中,企業並無法將這些資料做有效的運用與管理。如此可能會造成銷售成本的重複,而增加了銷售成本。但是伴隨著消費者(顧客)的選擇性日益增加,市場中同質性的商品愈來愈多,攸關企業發展的銷售部門應該體認:行銷所需要的是整體的市場資訊,如此才能對市場的宏觀願景做一個有效的規劃,並妥善分配企業中有限的行銷資源。


CRM 管理『顧客滿意度』

顧客滿意度已經成為一些企業所關注的問題。但是由於“滿意度”難以度量,在具體的實施過程中,很難以量化管理及分析。但如果能透過 CRM 可以清楚掌握客戶的狀態和特徵,至少減少傳統管理無謂的成本浪費。由於 CRM 提供了資料分析,可以使企業能夠找到自己的客戶,避免到處撒網導致資源浪費。對企業來講,重要的是能夠給企業帶來盈利的客戶,而不僅僅是因為客戶的企業體大。在有限資源的條件下,要更多地關注那些讓企業贏利的客戶,必要時應剔除一些服務成本太高的顧客。另CRM 可以幫助企業整理出最忠誠的客戶的行為標準,銷售人員就可以以此去尋找新的客戶,減少開發新客戶的行銷成本。從經濟角度來講,"客戶滿意:口碑相關曲線"表明,企業的客戶服務處於一般水平時,客戶的反應不大;一旦其服務質量提高或降低一定限度,客戶的讚譽或抱怨將呈指數倍的增加。CRM 不斷地對所有客戶資料進行分析,可以有效地掌握口碑曲線的走向,為企業改進或加強客戶服務提供資料資料,而不是憑企業家的感覺來處理事情。而客戶滿意不代表將來或現在,其忠誠度是永遠不變。

CRM 專家的研究結果表明,行業競爭的狀況對二者關係影響極大,因在高度競爭的行業中,完全滿意的客戶遠比滿意的客戶忠誠。只要客戶滿意程度稍稍下降一點,客戶忠誠的可能性就會急劇下降。這表明,要培育客戶忠誠感,企業必須盡力使客戶完全滿意。在低度競爭的行業,客戶滿意程度對客戶忠誠感的影響較小。由於低度競爭,不滿的客戶很難跳槽,他們不得不繼續購買企業的產品和服務。但是客戶心裏並不喜歡這家企業的產品和服務,客戶在等待機會,一旦能有更好的選擇,就會很快跳槽。這種表面上的忠誠是虛假的忠誠,有一定的欺騙性。因此,處於低度競爭情況下的企業應居安思危,努力提高客戶滿意度,否則一旦競爭加劇,客戶大量跳糟,企業就會陷入困境。


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Customer Relationship Management (顧客關係管理) programs that work

Westborough has a Customer Relationship Management (顧客關係管理) program for two areas of its business: Its sales organization uses it to track and manage sales leads, and its customer support group uses it to track and manage customer support issues.

“We [have about] 100 employees but we ... have customer support reps in outside of London. In the summer, when people go on vacation, we may need Westborough to cover for [the U.K.] and vice versa. Having the CRM system with customer issues, history, etc.all in one location is invaluable,” explains John P. Joseph.

“It makes it possible for one rep to pick up the conversation [and] the customer perceives little or no degradation in service even though a support group on another continent is handling the call,” he says.

In addition to using the CRM system for tracking and managing technical support issues, Envox’s customer service group uses it to sell additional products and services to customers when they call with an issue.

Finally, the information in the CRM system can be made available to others in the company. A salesperson, for example,can find out what is happening with a particular technical support question.

Having the information in one location allows us to share organizational knowledge [with our salespeople, marketing teams, developmentteams and to our senior management,”Joseph says. To run its CRM program, Envox company uses’s Service and Support module within its customer service group.

Source: marketingnews 15 Sep, 07

Having the right set up for a CRM program is essential.

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導入顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management) 的好處

(一)增加收益-經由資料採擷(Data Mining) 將企業的資源以及焦點投注在有 價值的顧客上,並善加了解顧客的消費行為模式,以利各種行銷計畫的推動,提高銷售的績效。


(三)降低成本-Customer Relationship Management 讓企業更加了解顧客,從過去為產品尋找顧客,到今日為顧客的需求而設計產品。以顧客而非產品為導向的行銷策略,可避免企業浪費不必要的資源在沒有價值的顧客上。

(四)提高市場的專注性-過去企業常花費龐大心力去設定銷售活動的目標及監督銷售活動的績效,這是因為企業對顧客沒有充分的把握且執行的是較為平庸的計畫。然而,Customer Relationship Management 強調與顧客之間的互動與了解,可節省企業在監督及設定目標的精力,將其轉移至如何增進與各部門之間的了解,提高對市場的專注性。


(六)增加小型目標行銷的次數-Customer Relationship Management 中最重要的就是以顧客為導向的資料倉儲系統,它會自動地依顧客屬性或是消費傾向來區隔市場,針對不同的市場區隔,提供不同的產品組合及設計不同的行銷方式。此外,也能自動處理顧客反應的資料,並加到系統之中,經由持續改善的過程,提升系統分析處理的能力,並能針對整個市場作更準確的區隔,成功機率也相對大幅提升。



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顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)系統在企業的應用

顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)系統在企業的應用


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Monday 25 February 2008

3 categories of Customer Relationship Management (顧客關係管理)

Customer Relationship Management (顧客關係管理) involves managing interactions within the company and its customers. The types of interactions and the processes for effectively using them are organizaed into 3 categories:

1.) Operational Customer Relationship Management : The objective is to make routine marketing operations such as sales calls, service programs, and customer support activities more efficient. By keeping track of a customer's purchase history, service schedule, and special requests, a firm can do a better job of anticipating the customer's needs, deciding which new products are best suited to the customer's operation, and providing preventive maintenance before problems occur.

2.) Analytical Customer Relationship Management : The objective is to effectively analyze all the available data about a customer. This involves merging data from internal company sources such as billing and payment histories, data generated by the customer such as average inventory amounts and reorder schedules, and data from third parties such as the government and credit bureaus. The analysis of such data helps a frim assess a customer's current and potential profitability, satisfaction, and loyalty.

3.) Collaborative Customer Relationship Management : The objective is to provide mechanisms for customers to interact with the firm. Rather than the traditional one-way seller-to-buyer communication of media advertising, brochures, or printing catalogs, this is an effort to regularly tap into what the customer is thinking. Examples include incoming call centers, seller-sponsored chat room where customers can communicate with one another, and regular satifaction surveys. Encouraging customer input permits a firm issues before they become problems that distrupt the relationship.

Source: Marketing, Michael Etzel, Bruce Walker, William Stanton, Mcgraw Hill 13th e.

The following is a video talking about CRM for Google

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顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management) 之八階段

以下是Stone & Woodcock (1995)所提出的顧客關係管理之八階段,在每一個階段中顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)系統可以幫助企業促進與客戶的關係:

Customer Relationship Management 系統可以提供哪些對象最有可能成為企業的客戶

Customer Relationship Management系統可以對客戶所反應的問題即時做處理,使客戶不會害怕或抗拒使用企業所提供的產品或服務

Customer Relationship Management 系統可以紀錄客戶的消費歷史紀錄和反應的問題以及其歷史資料,使企業能夠追蹤客戶的消費行為,由客戶所提出的問題修正產品品質,即為服務內容,使客戶的滿意度提升,也提升客戶的品牌忠誠度

4.) 帳戶管理
Customer Relationship Management 系統可以提供客戶的信用資料以及交易紀錄,以供企業參考

5.) 加強影響
Customer Relationship Management 系統於此一階段可以提供資料供企業加強與客戶之間的關係,例如客戶信用良好可以降低售價等,或是建議企業提供客戶進一步的服務等

Customer Relationship Management 系統可以提供企業哪些客戶已經進入潛在離婚期(例如消費量漸漸減少)以及原因,讓企業可想辦法針對原因改善,以拉回客戶

客戶已經不再使用企業所提供的產品及服務,Customer Relationship Management 系統可以提供客戶名單,並分析客戶流失的原因,企業進而改善產品及服務,也可以安撫流失的客戶(例如:寄一封問候信問候客戶能讓客戶感到窩心) ,使客戶有一天仍能再回來使用企業的產品及服務

在離婚的因素去除後(例如:高價或是不良的產品) ,消費者開始準備恢復關係,再度使用企業的產品及服務
Customer Relationship Management 系統紀錄客戶以往的消費歷史以及消費行為,企業可以很快的再掌握客戶的喜好及需求,使企業能夠再將客戶的關係拉得更近


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顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management) 的組成要素

顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management) 的組成要素有4個重點,包含市場行銷、銷售、客戶服務、部門協同,而這些是構成 Customer Relationship Management 不可或缺的部分,以下將一一介紹。

(一) 市場行銷-包括商機產生、商機的獲取和管理、商業活動的管理及電話行銷。一開始的大眾行銷活動都用來跟第一次接觸客戶,而接下來是針對具體目標更加集中的商業活動。而現在有關客戶特殊需求資訊的目錄管理和一對一行銷漸漸成為趨勢,以前的行銷都是用電話,但是已經開始趨向網站跟EMAIL,節省了許多時間跟成本。

(二) 銷售-銷售人員與潛在客戶的互動行為,將潛在客戶發展成真正客戶並保持其忠誠度是企業能夠盈利的核心因素。銷售常被拓展成銷售預測,客戶名單和報價管理,建議產生以及盈利分析等。

(三) 客戶服務-提到客戶關係管理,客戶服務是最重要的關鍵,而企業提供的客戶服務是能否保留滿意的忠誠客戶管理的關鍵,而現在客戶期望的服務已經不是以往的呼叫中心範圍了,呼叫中心正開始用通訊媒介,電話互動必須與EMAIL、傳真、網站及客戶喜歡用的方式相互整合。

(四) 部門協同-為了使 Customer Relationship Management 在企業中發揮更大的效用,市場、銷售和服務所在的部門必須緊密整合,共享客戶資訊,相互協助,共同為客戶服務。共用的客戶資料庫把銷售、市場行銷和客戶連接起來。


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Friday 22 February 2008

What is Customer Relationship Management (顧客關係管理)?

Marketers place greater emphasis on building repeat customers. Research has shown that it is as much as 6 times less expensive to make a repeat sale than it is to make a sale to a new customer. Repeat sales are often the result of loyalty - a willingness of the buyer to purchase from the seller without an extensive evaluation of alternatives. Loyalty requires a high level of trust of the buyer. The process of moving toward long-term, cost-effective, mutually beneficial trust with selected customers is known as relationship marketing, and its implementation is called customer relationship management (顧客關係管理).

CUSTOMER. RELATIONSHIP.MANAGEMENT. Those three words together resonate with marketers. But, what does customer relationship managementmean, exactly?

In broad terms, customer relationship management—CRM—is the idea that businesses can improve the way they interact with customers over time, strengthen existing relationships and manage those relationships on a day-to-day basis.

“CRM is a philosophy and business strategy supported by a system and technology designed to improve human interactions in a business environment. The value of CRM is that it attempts to take the art of life and turn it into a science of business,”says Paul Greenberg.

Adds Denis Pombriant, [From a technology standpoint, CRM] is automation technology that supports sales and marketing services. It's also a business strategy that focuses on aligning a business with customer needs [in order to] do a better job of providing solutions that are timely, efficient and accurate.”

Source: Marketing, Michael Etzel, Bruce Walker, William Stanton, Mcgraw Hill 13th e.

marketingnews 15 Sep, 07

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何謂顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management;CRM)


「CRM的重點在於以顧客需求為核心,視客戶生命週期為重要的企業資產,主要目標在於保有客戶並提高客戶滿意度。在同一時間內提供客戶不同的產品與服務,儘可能滿足客戶所有的需求以謀取最大的收益。」(Jackie Kandell,2000)

「CRM是以行銷為基礎的新觀念,用來有效地維持並加深企業與客戶之間的關係,資訊科技在CRM中屬於輔助性的角色,讓CRM相關工作更有效率地執行。本質上,CRM透過客服代表進行客戶服務與維持現有客戶的工作,客服代表分析客戶相關資料以從事行銷與交叉銷售的活動,滿足個別客戶的需求。」(Paul Ratcliff,2000)





Customer Relationship Management 簡稱CRM,指的是顧客關係管理。內容包顧客開發、顧客銷售、顧客服務、提高顧客滿意度等。在CRM機制中,將銷售、行銷、顧客服務等資料集中在一個資料庫,業務人員將所有資料輸入此共享資料庫中,如此業務人員可以掌握客戶所需資訊,透過顧客客群分析, 找出客戶的可能的消費行為,針對不同客群區隔規劃相關行銷活動, 以有效提昇銷售率。現今部分企業在運用CRM機制上,主要運用範疇為客服中心,而顧客開發方面,則著重在開發顧客需要的產品,並分析顧客需要的時間點為何,應用的軟體包括資料倉儲 (Data Warehouse)等,在顧客取得方面,則是協助企業尋求並開發新顧客來源。


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