Monday 25 February 2008

3 categories of Customer Relationship Management (顧客關係管理)

Customer Relationship Management (顧客關係管理) involves managing interactions within the company and its customers. The types of interactions and the processes for effectively using them are organizaed into 3 categories:

1.) Operational Customer Relationship Management : The objective is to make routine marketing operations such as sales calls, service programs, and customer support activities more efficient. By keeping track of a customer's purchase history, service schedule, and special requests, a firm can do a better job of anticipating the customer's needs, deciding which new products are best suited to the customer's operation, and providing preventive maintenance before problems occur.

2.) Analytical Customer Relationship Management : The objective is to effectively analyze all the available data about a customer. This involves merging data from internal company sources such as billing and payment histories, data generated by the customer such as average inventory amounts and reorder schedules, and data from third parties such as the government and credit bureaus. The analysis of such data helps a frim assess a customer's current and potential profitability, satisfaction, and loyalty.

3.) Collaborative Customer Relationship Management : The objective is to provide mechanisms for customers to interact with the firm. Rather than the traditional one-way seller-to-buyer communication of media advertising, brochures, or printing catalogs, this is an effort to regularly tap into what the customer is thinking. Examples include incoming call centers, seller-sponsored chat room where customers can communicate with one another, and regular satifaction surveys. Encouraging customer input permits a firm issues before they become problems that distrupt the relationship.

Source: Marketing, Michael Etzel, Bruce Walker, William Stanton, Mcgraw Hill 13th e.

The following is a video talking about CRM for Google

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顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management) 之八階段

以下是Stone & Woodcock (1995)所提出的顧客關係管理之八階段,在每一個階段中顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management)系統可以幫助企業促進與客戶的關係:

Customer Relationship Management 系統可以提供哪些對象最有可能成為企業的客戶

Customer Relationship Management系統可以對客戶所反應的問題即時做處理,使客戶不會害怕或抗拒使用企業所提供的產品或服務

Customer Relationship Management 系統可以紀錄客戶的消費歷史紀錄和反應的問題以及其歷史資料,使企業能夠追蹤客戶的消費行為,由客戶所提出的問題修正產品品質,即為服務內容,使客戶的滿意度提升,也提升客戶的品牌忠誠度

4.) 帳戶管理
Customer Relationship Management 系統可以提供客戶的信用資料以及交易紀錄,以供企業參考

5.) 加強影響
Customer Relationship Management 系統於此一階段可以提供資料供企業加強與客戶之間的關係,例如客戶信用良好可以降低售價等,或是建議企業提供客戶進一步的服務等

Customer Relationship Management 系統可以提供企業哪些客戶已經進入潛在離婚期(例如消費量漸漸減少)以及原因,讓企業可想辦法針對原因改善,以拉回客戶

客戶已經不再使用企業所提供的產品及服務,Customer Relationship Management 系統可以提供客戶名單,並分析客戶流失的原因,企業進而改善產品及服務,也可以安撫流失的客戶(例如:寄一封問候信問候客戶能讓客戶感到窩心) ,使客戶有一天仍能再回來使用企業的產品及服務

在離婚的因素去除後(例如:高價或是不良的產品) ,消費者開始準備恢復關係,再度使用企業的產品及服務
Customer Relationship Management 系統紀錄客戶以往的消費歷史以及消費行為,企業可以很快的再掌握客戶的喜好及需求,使企業能夠再將客戶的關係拉得更近


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顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management) 的組成要素

顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management) 的組成要素有4個重點,包含市場行銷、銷售、客戶服務、部門協同,而這些是構成 Customer Relationship Management 不可或缺的部分,以下將一一介紹。

(一) 市場行銷-包括商機產生、商機的獲取和管理、商業活動的管理及電話行銷。一開始的大眾行銷活動都用來跟第一次接觸客戶,而接下來是針對具體目標更加集中的商業活動。而現在有關客戶特殊需求資訊的目錄管理和一對一行銷漸漸成為趨勢,以前的行銷都是用電話,但是已經開始趨向網站跟EMAIL,節省了許多時間跟成本。

(二) 銷售-銷售人員與潛在客戶的互動行為,將潛在客戶發展成真正客戶並保持其忠誠度是企業能夠盈利的核心因素。銷售常被拓展成銷售預測,客戶名單和報價管理,建議產生以及盈利分析等。

(三) 客戶服務-提到客戶關係管理,客戶服務是最重要的關鍵,而企業提供的客戶服務是能否保留滿意的忠誠客戶管理的關鍵,而現在客戶期望的服務已經不是以往的呼叫中心範圍了,呼叫中心正開始用通訊媒介,電話互動必須與EMAIL、傳真、網站及客戶喜歡用的方式相互整合。

(四) 部門協同-為了使 Customer Relationship Management 在企業中發揮更大的效用,市場、銷售和服務所在的部門必須緊密整合,共享客戶資訊,相互協助,共同為客戶服務。共用的客戶資料庫把銷售、市場行銷和客戶連接起來。


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